VFC Membership
The Vernon Flying Club holds its monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of the month except for a July and August hiatus. The September meeting is the Annual General Meeting. The December meeting is repurposed as the Christmas party.
The VFC’s financial year runs from October to October. Membership annual dues are payable as of October 1st with a grace period until the Christmas party. For first time members only, annual dues are pro-rated based on the quarter that the membership is taken out.
Membership Forms Are Available At The Clubhouse.
Clubhouse Use

The clubhouse is used for meetings, fundraising, socials, training and education. CASARA workshops and search exercises are held regularly. Visiting commercial and private pilots enjoy the friendly atmosphere of the clubhouse. Club members can have access to the clubhouse for their own activities at the discretion of the Executive. Please contact the President or Vice-President to request the use of the Clubhouse.