Pilot Resources for CYVK
Check Official Sources For The Latest Information
N50° 14’44” W119° 19’52” Elevation 1141′
MF 122.8 Unicom limited hours, O/T traffic on 122.800.
5NM 4100 ASL
LWIS 123.175 MHz.
Be advised of Kelowna Transponder Mode C airspaceabove 3500′ ASL over the Vernon aerodrome and above 6500′ ASL in the surrounding area. Consult NavCanada publications.
Runways 05/23 3517’x75′
Displacements: 05/364′ 23/456′
LEFT HAND circuits @ 2400’ASL
PAPI/ARCAL 122.8 Type K
Night Operations:
RWY 23 LEFT HAND circuit @ 3000′ ASL
RWY 05 RIGHT HAND circuit @ 3000′ ASL
100 Low Lead (self serve), major credit cards and debit accepted.
Jet A-1 – call out 250-309-CYVK (2985). After hours call out charges may apply.
Minor/Major servicing available.
Parking: bring tie-downs.
Runway: limited winter maintenance
Runway condition report APM 1-250-545-3035
Flight Planning
Kamloops FIC:
There is a computer kiosk located in the terminal building to assist with flight planning.

Get Your $100 Hamburger Here
Pilots looking for that “$100 Hamburger” should consider Vernon. Often there will be members at the VFC clubhouse to welcome you with a coffee or cold drink. If you are in the mood for something more substantial, check out the Sky High Diner located just outside the fence next to the Vernon Flying Clubhouse. A level 15-minute walk will bring you to Tim Horton’s, McDonalds, Subway and other local eateries. Okanagan Lake’s Kin Beach is close, with a large sandy beach and shady park, ideal for a sunny afternoon picnic lunch.