VFC Scholarship

The Vernon Flying Club’s annual scholarship is available to a current pilot who meets the following criteria.

The applicant must

  1. be undergoing or about to undergo advanced (post PPL) pilot training.
  2. be a resident of the Okanagan Area of British Columbia. 


The $1000 scholarship will be awarded in April of the current year. 

Applications must be submitted by March 31st of the current year.

To apply, send an email, with the subject line “Scholarship Application” to flyingclubvernon@gmail.com

In the email provide all of the information requested below:

  1. Name
  2. Address
  3. Phone number
  4. Email address
  5. Pilot License #
  6. Time in last 12 months (hrs)
  7. Time PIC (hrs)
  8. Total Time (hrs)
  9. How did you fund your training up to now?
  10. Briefly tell us how you would use the award funds over the next 12 months?
  11. What do you think most qualifies you for this award?
  12. Give a brief description of yourself, including hobbies, pursuits, details of you interest and involvement in aviation.
  13. Provide contact details of at least one character reference, preferably a recent Flying Instructor.
  14. Add any other comments that might support your application.